Terminology Tuesday – 2nd Stop On Your Road To A Successful Real Estate Experience – The Realtor

2nd Stop – The Realtor!!!

How important is the Realtor in this process! Really, they are very important and one of the professionals you should never go without. When buying a realtor does not cost you anything, in fact they can save you a lot of not only money but headache as well. To be honest, how many of us really know how to put in place all of the steps needed in order to complete on a huge investment like real estate? I for one would never go without using a realtor and I am in the industry.

How do they help:
Writing up the offer to purchase and presenting to the sellers realtor
Negotiating the price and other terms for you
Setting times for financing dates, property inspection dates that meet the requirements for the lender and the inspector
many properties require permits, inspections for wells, septic, easements, on and on it goes

these are just a few and believer there are many more. The need for the use of The Realtor is huge, we can help you find the right one as well

So, now you have the First Two Professionals you need on your road to a successful experience!!!

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