Our New Series on The Professionals you need to ensure a successful real estate experience has begun!!!!
The first professional you need to see is The Mortgage Broker – you need a pre approval first in order to determine what you can qualify for, if you can qualify and what are the steps to get the approval done!!! Remember however pre approvals are just that “PRE” and don’t necessarily ensure you get an approval. To get a full approval you need to not only have your income and debt ratios complete along with the credit check, you also need to have an actual offer in on a property. That comes later though because at this point you need to have a good idea that you can even put an offer in.
So, step 1 is to set an appointment with us, we will go over your income, debts, credit report and give you a very good idea if you are ready and set to go forward with the purchase. Jessica and myself will always ask you to bring in as much income information as you can that pertains you situation, we will put your application onto our mortgage system, go over the credit report with you and go over the entire process with you. At this time as well we will enter into your application the potential purchase price that you are looking for, relate that to the monthly payment you will have so you can better understand how those connect to each other. This is very important so you know based on what you would like to spend for a home you can also see what the payment is per month to feel comfortable with that as well.
Now, you are either set to go to Step Two – The Realtor- or we need to advise and go over with you what steps need to be taken first in order to ensure a successful purchase. STAY TUNED – STOP #2 NEXT WEEK!!! THE REALTOR!
Red Deer Mortgage Broker Mortgage Broker In Red Deer Loans Home Equity Lines of credit Second Home Purchases Credit Advice Acreage Financing Cashback Mortgages Which Mortgage broker to use Why Use a Mortgage Broker