Self Employed Qualifying for Mortgages Made Easier!!!

Qualifying for a mortgage has been tougher over the last few years for self employed people.  Over the years there has been an increase in the number of people deciding to go self employed for many reasons.  Maybe you feel more in control of your financial situation if you are looking after your own income your own way. Maybe it has to do with flexibility of hours, income type of work, whatever it is more are making that change.  The down side has been it is tougher to get a mortgage for buying your principal residence, revenue property, commercial property, second homes or for whatever real estate you are wanting to purchase.

Good news, the qualifying has changed to make it easier to buy real estate!  How, it does vary to some degree as potentially you may now have to show less paper for income proof, the lender may allow for more income to be used if they determine your company is viable and able to debt service you for your mortgage.  It is not so black and white now and that is great news!!  

In order to find if this may work for you come visit us at Advance Mortgage in Red Deer.  We are the top rated Mortgage Brokers in Red Deer and longest running Brokerage.  Call Brenda or Jessica today – 403-347-0774